Sunday, October 21, 2007

The Life of a Leaf

Here is our first project - a joint effort by Addison, Michaella and Melissa

My Life as a Leaf

It’s autumn in Ontario, Canada and my life is almost over because I am a leaf. But that doesn’t bother me because this is a natural part of my life cycle. When I was born, I was a dark green, rubbery surface with bumpy veins. Now I am bright red like a rose but I don’t smell like a rose. I smell more like my mother, the maple tree that is on the edge of the north side of the bush. Now I feel more like a bran flake without any milk.

I’m now falling quickly from my mom and am drifting from side to side until I silently and softly touch the ground and get used to my new surroundings. I see thick bushes and prickly vegetation all around me and I am so relieved that I am not in those thick bushes and prickly vegetation.

I just hope that my life does not get complicated by having a human squish me with its heavy, blue hiking boot. I would rather be blown with a gentle gust of wind to somewhere that I will be safe until the snow falls and I will be buried and decompose and I will start my new life as a piece of dirt. It may take a while but I’ll be patient.

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